Kitties Of A Lesser God... How Hawaii County Government Employees Terrorize Helpless Cats

Mayor Kimo Alameda

Bill Brilhante

If nothing else, look at how employees emptied cat water bowls and filled them with waste mulch. 

How can you take action? Copy this link and send it to the relevant people
and mail to the following along with your comments:
I sent the following to three representatives for the County of Hawaii, including the mayor.
Tim, Robert, and Mitch,
A Question Of Aloha: A simple question to start… Where’s the Aloha?
The Face: Let’s start with who we do know. Mitch Roth.
The Faceless: Who will speak for those who cannot speak for themselves? Umm – that will be me.
But, at the end of this email, hopefully, it will be you.
The Truth In Actions: A common adage states that you can tell a lot about a person by how they treat their server at a restaurant.
I want to take that one step further.
You can tell a lot about a person, specifically a lot about an employee(s) of Hawaii County, by how they treat those who can’t defend themselves.

Volunteers: The volunteers who provide food and water to the cats at the dump do so on their own time and out of their pocket. One volunteer wanted to help but couldn’t afford to buy cat food, so she showed up and made sure the cats had clean, fresh drinking water. She did purchase watering bowls from thrift stores.

Then, One Day, Why? Soon, she would often arrive and find the water bowls missing. One day, she saw a staff member and asked, “Why take the water bowls?”

A Partial Truth: The employee responded simply, “It’s our job to keep the area clean.”

A Full Lie: At first glance, that appears valid, except it isn’t. It is a ruse, facade, and fiction to hide their true intention. Hawaii County employees hide ‘behind the skirts’ of Hawaii County’s Solid Waste Division Public Facilities.

Why Do I Think This? Look at these images. I have taken many time-stamped images over the MONTHS showing the same uncleaned debris around the water bowls remains, yet only the water bowl is ‘cleaned up.’ The debris has been there for months.

Depends On What Your Definition Of Clean Means: Sure, the area should be clean, but to your employees, it is just cleaning the water bowls of the helpless cats.

Glass Cut Feet: Furthermore, their failure to clean the area results in injuries to the cats.

Do Your Job – Somebody Has To: Rather than just complain, I did their job. The job they claim to do to keep the area clean. The staff didn’t.



Hard To Believe How Pathetic This Is: It gets worse… Not only do your employees at the transfer station ‘clean up’ the cat watering bowls, but they intentionally and pathetically do the following: They empty water bowls and replace the water with mulch.

Are You Embarrassed? Shocked? I am. And, I am embarrassed for you.
Let’s Get An Independent Opinion – Ask Your Kids: Ask a third party their opinion – ask your kids. What kind of soulless, pathetic person would empty water then put mulch in a water bowl?
Hard To Believe – Part 2: There is more…
Look at the water bowl image in the tree.
You can see a water bowl placed out of sight, behind rocks, so that it doesn’t impact people driving by, who could think, “Look at all that trash.” Now, look at the top left of the tree.
One of the county workers, dedicated to keeping the area clean, has placed yesterday’s water bowl in the tree. Can’t be used, hard to get to, and all the water was emptied.


Is This A Statement Of Intimidation?
What Are Your Employees Trying To State? By leaving the empty water bowl in a tree, is this a statement of their power and belief they can do what they want without penalty or fear.
My Neighbor Commented: “It is beyond childish. It is sadistic.”
What Next? Collecting the tails of cats as trophies? The cats simply want clean water.
Our GOVERNMENT EMPLOYEES resort to making a statement against the cats and the people simply trying to help.
But The Cats Are Not Feral – But Abandoned: Most of the cats at the dump, were, umm, dumped there. They are abandoned cats.
Why Haven’t All The Cats Been Trapped? Because people keep dumping more and more cats at the dump.
Who Caused The Cats To Be Invasive? But man is invasive as well…
A Moment Of Personal Weakness: Sadly, embarrassingly, I will admit that in a moment of weakness, I lowered my personal standards by writing on the water bowls.
Sorry, Not Sorry: I am not proud of it, but I am not sorry. I wrote this so YOUR EMPLOYEES could reflect on their actions. Maybe take a different direction.
Of course, these bowls were taken and discarded.
So much for any moral compass.
The Hidden: Your staff remains nameless as they hide behind the implicit authority of the County of Hawaii.
The Unhidden: And, just for comparison, I am unhidden, and I am assigning my name to this action.
What Can You Surmise? Allow me to return to my opening statement, “You can tell a lot about a person, specifically a lot about an employee(s) of Hawaii County, by how they treat those that can’t defend themselves.”
These Cats Are The Most Helpless Of All Cats: These aren’t just everyday cats. They need the most attention, yet like a bully stepping on the toes of a blind woman or the person breaking the walking cane of an elderly man simply because they can, your staff terrorizes the most disadvantaged of all – the cats.
And Somebody Wants To Deprive This Cat Of Food And Water? If you look closely, you can see the flies on the tumor.
Look again!
Of course, the cats that don’t starve or dehydrate to death have other options…
So… Why do you permit your employees to act this way towards the most helpless creatures?
Some Things Go Away Over Time… It has been months since I last wrote you about this problem.
Are You Authorizing This Behavior? It is embarrassing, shameful, and cruel. Why do you condone this?
We can do better.
Can you?
Good-hearted, well-intentioned people spend their own time, money, effort, and concern to try to improve a difficult situation.
And what is their reward?
Government employees, acting without impunity, terrorizing helpless cats and volunteers.
You can do better.
Can you?
So… Where’s YOUR Aloha? I see you wearing your Aloha shirt and the Lei of Aloha, but where is YOUR Aloha?
So… Where’s YOUR Aloha? I see you wearing your Aloha shirt and the Lei of Aloha, but where is YOUR Aloha?
Sadly, I write this, and I personally sign it, unlike your employees hiding in the darkness, in the shadows of your authority.
ps My wife, the attorney, advised me to include this request. Most people won’t even care about what I have written above. I understand.
However, one or two individuals in the County of Hawaii may feel they have to seek retribution or get even, whether by:
  • Harming the cats at the dump.
  • Harassing or intimidating the volunteers.
  • Threatening myself or property.
I kindly ask that you direct them not to do so in advance.
Where is your Aloha?
How can you take action? Copy this link and send it to the relevant people
and mail to the following along with your comments: